Coherence for Pollinators
2023 European Pollinator Week
28-30 November 2023
The undersigned, co-organizers of the 2023 EU Pollinator Week, express deep concern about pollinators' current and future state and animal pollination. Recognising the threats posed by various factors such as land use change, intensive agricultural practices, pesticide use, environmental pollution, invasive species, pathogens, and climate change, we emphasise the crucial role of pollinators in food production, climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem services.
In parallel to the EU member states who joined the Coalition of the Willing for Pollinators, recognising the need for collective action to protect pollinators and their habitats, the signatories pledge to support the development and implementation of pollinator strategies, share experiences transparently, collaborate with diverse stakeholders, conduct research to fill knowledge gaps and support international cooperation.
The signatories welcome the European Parliament’s resolution of 23 November 2023 on the revised Pollinators Initiative – A new deal for pollinators and invite the Parliament, the Council and the Commission to ensure it is followed up with concrete actions and measures. The signatories also express their determination to translate scientific findings into concrete policies and actions described during the 2023 EU Pollinator Week. They outline specific measures in three key areas:
Pollinator-friendly Policies:
Contributing to policy evaluation tools and public policies reducing the identified threats for pollinators while increasing habitat for pollinators, in quality and quantity.
Liaising with Member States' authorities to achieve the goals of the EU Biodiversity Strategy and Farm 2 Fork strategies and the revised EU Pollinators Initiative – A New Deal for Pollinators.
Promoting the substitution of harmful chemical substances, supporting farmers, addressing legislative shortcomings, and ensuring policy coherence in trade agreements.
Involving the beekeeping and environmental communities in any decision-making with a potential impact on the landscape.
Protection & Monitoring:
Adopting a holistic/systems-based approach to protect all pollinator habitats.
Reversing pollinator decline through restoration targets, concrete measures, and resource allocation.
Supporting data collection on pollinators, and beekeeping, and ensuring adequate capacities for relevant agencies.
Apiculture & Consumers:
Strengthening labelling provisions for honey origin and traceability.
Enabling Commission and national services to combat honey adulteration and support professional beekeepers.
Research, Citizens Engagement & Collaboration:
Raising awareness of pollinator values, the factors affecting them and supporting citizen science and education, inspiring society to develop behaviours supporting pollinator health.
Facilitating discussions among diverse stakeholders.
Supporting the enforcement of testing guidelines for pesticide and biocide effects.
Supporting data accessibility initiatives and promotion of FAIR¹ data principles.
The signatories emphasise their commitment to continuous efforts, acknowledging the results of the Convention on Biological Diversity and translating scientific findings into practical policies and actions to protect pollinators and beekeepers.
¹ Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable